วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent’s opinions

Since I was a little girl, my parents always tell me that the education wasn’t the big part of life, it’s only 20% of all life’s experience and the important thing while I was studying in the school before going to work is the experience. They think that grade when I studying can’t tell that in the future I will get the good or bad job so they tell me to find another experience.

My parents tell me that young people has a lot of time and occasion to find what work do they like and good at or when they do it they feel happy, enjoy it and want to develop it. It’s the important thing that is why someone the job to work, just like it or can’t find another job to work because it’s depend on their ability and education and if I enjoy and feel happy with my work so I can do it well and want to develop my work all the time. They aren’t like their work too much because they didn’t have many choices to choose and they tell me to find something that I like to do, find the information about it and sample to do it but in the liking can have something that I don’t like too.

About society, they say that it has many things to learn from it, have a lot of danger, many sides and many kinds of people. When I go outside alone, they teach me to look around and observe the people and be careful the people that come to talk with me.

They love to have holidays. Holiday is the only day that everyone can have the activities together, go to the department store, have lunch at the beautiful hotel or watch the movie so they always clear their work before weekend and we can have the activities together.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

When I do something special or important

I think everyone has special and important memories that they don’t want to forget and are happy when they think of it. On the other hand, everyone must have the memories that they did something wrong or don’t want it to happened but in my opinion, these memories will be encourage you to do something better and don’t wrong in the second time.

Everybody has the first time to do everything such as cooking, read first book, go to the fun park with their friends, fail the exam or have a concert or go to one.The first time that I could go outside by my self, I felt very excited because every time I had to go with my parents. I felt that I could do everything and go everywhere that I wanted to with my parent’s help.

Before I had taken the acting course in primary 6, I was very nervous when I had to do an exam, have a presentation, answered the teacher’s question or talk with somebody that I didn't know. In the class, everyone must think and have courage acting, this was the first time that I felt excited to act something and show what I was thinking or tell other people. Teachers and friends were very lovely so I felt good to learn with them. After I passed that course, I had more courage, new opiniona and know how to cool my self down when I was very nervous and change it to be a better feeling so I can do the presentation, answer the teacher’s question or acting something in front of people with confidence.

I think it isn’t important that you will pass a situation with good or bad results but the important thing is how do you feel when you doing something.