วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550


I don’t know the real meaning of ‘culture’ , but in my opinion, it means something that most people in the country do . In society, people may have different thinking but culture is the thing that can’t see or touch,but is has the effect to make people to do or think in the same foundation.
Different countries has different culture, the basic thinking that everyone know, but the same foundation of every culture in my opinion, is to do good things.

Culture doesn’t mean something that someone decides but it is the thinking of most people so it can change all the time. No one can determine that the culture of their country is good or bad because something that is good may have a bad point and something that is bad may have a good point too, it depends on the experience, vision and how they think about it.

Earth doesn’t have only one side and place isn't square, it’s the circular planet that is in the orbit round the sun so the sun doesn’t shine every area with equal heat. So different countries have different climates and if our climate is different, how can our culture be the same? eFor example, in Europe and America, their climate is too cold so they must eat hot food to warm their body, but in Asia, our climate is too hot then we don’t mind if our food isn't hot because we don’t need to warm our body.

Finally, I think the culture depends on the location of the country, what most people think and how their vision can be about something.

What society expect to me

Parents always expect their children to have a good life, a good future and be a good person but sometimes their expectations are opposite with their children’s requirements so it can be hard to do something that we don’t like.

When I was very young, my parents always told me that they won’t order me to be something they want to, I had opportunities to choose everything that I wanted to be. They always choose and advise the best way and best thing for me.

When I was in the elementary school, I never minded how many points that I had got and I always got high marks from the teacher ,just only tried to listen and remember in the lesson. My father was satisfied every time that I got high marks or was the top , but he expects me to have more concentration to repeat the lesson at home and do more exams that will make me get higher marks. He expects me to be a polite girl with everyone, have more confidence and knowledge.

My mother expects me to pass the ’entrance‘ exam and study in a good university. Sometimes she is worried about me when I get a low grade and told me to have more interest in the lesson.

If I must do something that I don’t like , but it will bring good to my life, I just find the good point of that activity so I will have more happiness with it.

Young people today

In the past , parents commanded their children to choose something that they wanted their children to do .But today, a lot of teenagers have more thinking and confidence to choose or do something that they want to do because their parents understand and give the chance to their children.

More technology , more opportunity , more confidence make more new thinking.Everyone can do something that they like and want to do because today we have more easy chances to learn , do our home work , find the knowledge or find something that we are interested in or want to know on the internet and have the chance to show their ability to others for example singing auditions like AF or writing contests .

A lot of students learn with no-thinking , they just only listen , find the information that their teacher orders ,do homework and memorise the lesson .They just try to remember only the lesson but can’t think how they can use that information in their life ,just try and be serious about remembering to pass the test and have an excellent grade . I think learning like that has a nothing useful because they aren’t thinking about the lesson and applied it to use in their life .

About some people ,novels and movies come to have more effect with their opinions . Sometimes they do like the characters or actors in their favourite novels or movies because they think that is so cool . Sometimes the characters have the bad point and they copy that point but I think that doing is not good because we must copy only the good points to do in our life .

Let’s have our own opinion and character don’t copy or be like someone that you just think that they look cool .

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